[Summer 2023 works] Traffic suspended between Cergy–Le Haut and Conflans–Fin d’Oise stations from 5 to 20 August and between Nation and Val de Fontenay/Fontenay-sous-Bois stations from 9 to 18 August.


Every year, the time for summer works rolls around and with it come many questions.

Here are more details to help you adapt your journeys accordingly.

As part of the infrastructure maintenance works, RER line A will be closed:

  • between Nation and Val de Fontenay • Fontenay-sous-Bois stations, for 10 days, throughout the day and night, from 9 to 18 August;
  • between Cergy–Le Haut and Conflans–Fin d’Oise stations, for 16 days, throughout the day and night, from 5 to 20 August.

What is the reason behind the works?

Maintaining railway infrastructure is no small feat. It involves routine maintenance, among other things.

Firstly, on the SNCF section of the line, our staff will work on replacing the track and ballast. This involves disassembling and breaking up the tracks. A handling machine will then collect the pieces of track and sleepers and load them onto a coach. The ballast will be removed from the work site and replaced with new ballast.

To save time, track panels with pre-assembled sleepers and tracks will then be put in place. Next, the ballast will be added to set the track panels in place and a construction vehicle will compact it. Finally, the new tracks will be fitted with precision down to the millimetre and welded in place.

This year, the works will involve upgrading track parts that have been in place for 44 years. The work will involve the replacement of 1.2 kilometres of track, thus improving the infrastructure’s reliability.

On RATP’s section of the line, 6 track systems and 1.5 kilometres of track and ballast will be renewed between Nation station and the Val de Fontenay/Fontenay-sous-Bois intersection following 45 years of service. This operation is identical to the large-scale Track Ballast Renewal (RVB) works that took place on the main section of the line between 2015 and 2021.

These installations allow trains to operate and turn around in the event of a disruption; renewing them is therefore essential to ensure their availability.

RATP will make the most of the traffic interruption and perform maintenance operations at gare de Vincennes station, such as laying out acoustic protections for the benefit of local residents without adding to disruption time. These maintenance operations would normally require lengthy traffic interruptions and cannot be carried out overnight between two passenger service days. This way, the work can be done without creating any additional disruptions for passengers.

How can I get about during closures?

As usual whenever the network is undergoing works, replacement transport services will be offered.

Replacement buses and frequent service increases will be put in place so that you can continue on your journey in both directions. However, longer travel times are to be expected. Please adjust your journeys accordingly and if possible, postpone your travel plans.

We are currently working on finalising our action plan. More details on replacement services will be provided soon.

Do you have further questions regarding the works? Feel free to ask them, I will be more than happy to answer in the comments.

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commentaires 4
  1. Mathieu dit :


    De façon générale, les voyageurs ne savent pas forcément quelle est la section exploitée par la RATP ou la SNCF sur les RER A et B. Mais alors s’attendre de personnes non francophones, donc très probablement de passage à Paris, qu’elles sachent cela, c’est peut-être un peu beaucoup non ? 😉

    • Thomas dit :

      Bonjour Mathieu,
      Effectivement vous avez raison et c’est pourquoi j’ai précisé quelles sont les gares impactées par ces travaux.
      Mais je reste à l’écoute de vos suggestions 🙂
      Bonne journée.

  2. Hector dit :

    et en français ça donne quoi ???????

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